Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I do not agree with the government bailing out all these people. The reason for my belief is that the government is just prolonging these different corporations from failing again. If these people let their companies fall out wont they do it again? On the other side our country needs these banks to stay alive in the market but if they are to just fail again I still cant see a reason for the bailout in the long run.
I also do not agree with the government bailing out these extremely lazy people who simply quit or dont try any harder when they have to pay their bills for items they shoudlnt be recieving in the first place. If someone just expects to recieve everything from the government who is that going to help our economy any? The people who work their butts off day and night are the ones who should recieve certain discounts or tax cuts and that way they will purchase more items bettering the economy and hopefully creating a goal for those lazy people out their who expect everything to be handed to them.

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