Friday, October 3, 2008

To be or not to be

To be Dave or not to be Erik?
To be charter high speed or not to be aol dialup ?
To be in football or not to be in soccer?
To be healthy or not to be sick?
To be summer or not to be winter?
To be rich or not to be poor?
To be happy or not to be sad?
To be proud or not to be depressed?
To be sweet or not to be sour?
To be cool or not to be warm?
To be the man or not to be the woman?
To be from IHS or not to be from WHS?
To be coffee or not to be hot tea?
To be a strawberry or not to be a grapefruit?
To be chocolate or not to be vanilla?
To be courageous or not to be fearful?
To be a brunette or not to be a Jimmy?
To be delicious or not to be disgusting?
To be sunny or not to be rainy?
To be comfortable or not to be painful?
To be talented or not to be worthless?
To be in the flesh or not to be in the grave?

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