Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Tennis is a great sport for many reasons, one it is extremely fun to play and two it is one of those sports you can play into your later years.
When looking to buy a raquet, you should figure out the level of play you are at.Beginners might want to choose a head that is wider, which reduces the chance of missing the ball. More experienced players might want to choose a more narrow head which has more power and accuracy.The material used for the raquet are nowadays synthetic materials such as composites and others. Wood is out of date, but you can always go old school.Younger players might want to choose a raquet that is lighter so it is easier to hit the ball. As you grow older, you will become stronger, and a heavier raquet will be needed. After selecting the raquet you will be ready to play tennis.
The first thing you will need to know about tennis is serving. Serving is the most important aspect of tennis. When you serve you will keep your feet about shoulder width apart and you will create a 45 degree angle with your feet. Next you will throw the ball up above your head slightly in front of the boundry line and follow through with your raquet.
When returning a serve you will want to stand in a crouching position and on the balls of your feet making it so you can move quickly as soon as your opponent serves. You want to be comfortable in this position but still ready to move quickly.
Volleying is the second most important aspect of tennis, having good placement with your volleys can win you the match. There is many different shots you can do when volleying. There is slices, topsin, kick, and flat. My personal favorite is slicing because it is tricky for your opponent to line up a good shot and it is easy for me to execute.
Tennis is a great sport to play hopefully after reading this you will feel like trying tennis out.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Pregnant criminal

I believe the mother should be able to give birth to the child if that is her decision, however the child should go into protective care or a foster home while the mother is serving her time. Commiting a crime while pregnant is not exactly showing a potential good mother but it she should still have the choice of whether to have the baby or not. Once the mother has served her time in prison the child should have a choice of whether to move back in with her real mom or stay in foster care, depending on how well the mother did while serving her time. There would also have to be a certain group of people hired to make sure the mother would be financial sound to take care of the child and interview the mother to gather as much information as to whether she would be able to take care of the child.
Another option would be to have the child just move in with the father which would also depend on how financially sound he is and whether he is a good enough citizen to raise the child.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Gun Control

I agree with some limitations to gun use such as background checks at gun shows and other necesarry events. However if the United States were to completely remove guns from citizens the economic crisis could worsen especially in Michigan. Most people living around Michigan are big time hunters and without the sales of guns, ammo, and hunting licenses the country would lose more money. Through research on the internet I have found that incorporating the political aspects of gun politics, and firearms rights, has long been among the most controversial and intractable issues in American politics. For the last several decades, this debate has been characterized by stalemate between debate on an individual's right to firearms under the Constitution and the duty of government to legislate gun laws to prevent crime and maintain order. In District of Columbia v. Heller, No. 07-290, the Supreme Court of the United States held that an individual right to bear arms is protected under the Second Amendment. Repeated polling has found that a majority of Americans believe that they have a right to own a gun while at the same time a majority also believes that there is a need for stricter firearm law enforcement.

Cited from: and

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Who is Wealthier?

I think Bill is more wealthy because he has a great loving family which is worth more than 100,000 piece of paper. If Bob is working non stop and has hardly any time for his family what kind of life is that? To me it seems like Bill is the one living the American dream he's the one working at the mines, has the perfect family, is a steady church goer, and has a golden retriever running around on his lawn. I also believe that Bill's children will be raised much better because Bill and his wife are still together unlike Bob's and they dont have everything given to them like Bob's. Just by reading about Bill you can tell people would get along with him and he would have much more friends than Bill who's "friends" just use him for the money he has and so they can go to the party he throws at his camp.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I do not agree with the government bailing out all these people. The reason for my belief is that the government is just prolonging these different corporations from failing again. If these people let their companies fall out wont they do it again? On the other side our country needs these banks to stay alive in the market but if they are to just fail again I still cant see a reason for the bailout in the long run.
I also do not agree with the government bailing out these extremely lazy people who simply quit or dont try any harder when they have to pay their bills for items they shoudlnt be recieving in the first place. If someone just expects to recieve everything from the government who is that going to help our economy any? The people who work their butts off day and night are the ones who should recieve certain discounts or tax cuts and that way they will purchase more items bettering the economy and hopefully creating a goal for those lazy people out their who expect everything to be handed to them.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


In my opinion I don't think the government should be lending out money they don't necessarily have themselves. It doesn't help these people are buying expensive homes with low income. Not only should the government not lend money to people they should for sure never borrow some 300 billion dollars just to one place. Just borrowing money to people with low money is in turn not going to benefit the economy. These people borrowing are used to be taken care of, so why should they be recieving money from our government who's in debt themselves? People who are the hard workers, the ones who always do their work and show up on time. These people are the ones who should recieve tax cuts and other things to set a goal for the lazier workers of America.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New President

By America electing Barack Obama for the next presidency finally shows how much we have matured since the time of Martin Luther King. I pretty excited about Obama winning because he has the oppurtunity to be the successful African American president. That would be pretty exciting to have a famous president during my lifetime .Other foreign nations seem to be pretty happy with the change America has made also and I think that because of electing Barack Obama we will get the change that we need to bring our economy back to the top.