Wednesday, November 12, 2008


In my opinion I don't think the government should be lending out money they don't necessarily have themselves. It doesn't help these people are buying expensive homes with low income. Not only should the government not lend money to people they should for sure never borrow some 300 billion dollars just to one place. Just borrowing money to people with low money is in turn not going to benefit the economy. These people borrowing are used to be taken care of, so why should they be recieving money from our government who's in debt themselves? People who are the hard workers, the ones who always do their work and show up on time. These people are the ones who should recieve tax cuts and other things to set a goal for the lazier workers of America.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New President

By America electing Barack Obama for the next presidency finally shows how much we have matured since the time of Martin Luther King. I pretty excited about Obama winning because he has the oppurtunity to be the successful African American president. That would be pretty exciting to have a famous president during my lifetime .Other foreign nations seem to be pretty happy with the change America has made also and I think that because of electing Barack Obama we will get the change that we need to bring our economy back to the top.